Many patients who have lost multiple teeth to untreated cavities, oral trauma or chronic gum disease will choose a partial denture to restore their basic oral function. Filling the void can also improve the appearance of the individual’s smile and the basic clarity of their speech. If you have recently had a partial denture produced for you at 1 Smile... read more »
To make sure you are flossing as best as possible, it is a good idea to have tools that can accomplish the task effectively. If you're using products that are going to fail you, your oral hygiene will eventually fail as well. To make sure your mouth is safe and clean, always use appropriate techniques and tools to accomplish the... read more »
Our dentist, Dr. Tyjuan Williams, offers in-office teeth whitening in Augusta, Georgia, to help patients achieve a whiter and brighter smile. If you’re interested in improving the appearance of your teeth, it might be time to consider this treatment. To help you know all about in-office teeth whitening, our dentist is happy to share some facts with you, which are:... read more »
When addressing your oral health care, it is important to figure out the risk factors present and what you can do to keep your smile safe. In several instances, you may find yourself struggling with oral health conditions that are not easily found if you aren't visiting your doctor for your routine checkups. One of the earliest conditions and indications... read more »
Are the front of your teeth troubled with some sort of damage or abnormality? How about fixing the face of your teeth with porcelain veneers? Veneers are attractive, thin covers for your front teeth made of a tough ceramic material. They are very durable and hide any unsightly issues. A healthy-looking smile adds to your confidence and how others perceive... read more »
Do you ever wonder why our dentist, Dr. Tyjuan Williams, offers composite dental fillings? If so, our dental team will be happy to tell you why! Composite dental fillings can benefit you and your smile in a myriad of ways. In fact, they can: -Restore your tooth’s health with a more conservative approach: This is because the treatment doesn’t require... read more »
If a severe oral problem such as gum disease, tooth decay, or oral injury has caused you to have one or more missing teeth, you could be a candidate for a dental bridge, which is an artificial tooth or teeth between two dental crowns that anchor the appliance on each side of the gap. If you are considering receiving a... read more »
Perhaps the most traditional and well-known option for tooth replacement is dentures. In the past, dentures have been full, removable appliances, but dental advancements now allow you more choices, and we are pleased to offer the following four options at our office: - Conventional full dentures: These are the traditional denture appliance most patients think of. Dr. Tyjuan Williams must... read more »
Never be afraid to improve your oral health by setting for effective tooth hazards prevention plans on a day-to-day basis. The more you do to keep your smile safe, the less likely you are to suffer tooth hazards in the future. Even if you're not doing so already, it is a good idea to assess all habits and lifestyle... read more »
A small cavity or minor physical defect in a tooth can often be repaired with a dental filling made from metallic amalgam or composite resin. If the problem area was on the biting surface of a back tooth, Dr. Tyjuan Williams might recommend installing an inlay or onlay dental filling made from dental grade porcelain or a special gold alloy.... read more »