
Quick Oral Hygiene Tricks

Do you want a top-notch smile and oral health? If so, you need to keep up on oral hygiene, visit your dentist (Dr. Tyjuan Williams) regularly, and have a healthy and balanced diet. Fortunately, there are also little things you can do to take good care of your teeth and gums. Our dental team is more than happy to tell... read more »

Rinsing Your Mouth with Antiseptic Mouthwash Can Help Kill Bacteria

Food particles, sugar residue, and plaque buildup can threaten the health of your teeth and periodontal tissues in a variety of ways. The daily presence of plaque acids can gradually demineralize tooth enamel increasing your chances of suffering cavities on multiple teeth. At the same time bacterial deposits that harden into tartar near the gumline can increase your chances of... read more »

When to Encourage Your Child to Protect Their Smile with a Mouthguard

Do you ever wonder if your child needs to wear a mouthguard? If so, the answer is most likely yes. If your child does anything that can harm the teeth, gums, and jaw, it’s best to have them protect their smile with a mouthguard. Our dentist, Dr. Tyjuan Williams, would be happy to explain some of the situations when a... read more »

Replacing Missing Teeth with a Dental Bridge

If you are missing teeth, you are at several disadvantages. Gaps in your smile will make you feel self-conscious about your appearance, in social and work situations. Additionally, missing teeth can make it difficult for you to speak and chew. The spaces left by your teeth provide places for bacteria to breed and for plaque to accumulate, and your remaining... read more »

The Oral Health Care Compendium to Sports Mouth Guards

If you find yourself participating in high-risk activities or contact sports, the chances of oral accidents or injuries increase dramatically. In many situations, dental damage arises due to blunt trauma to your teeth and gums. If left unprotected, you run the risk of debilitating damage and tooth loss that can take years to correct. Fortunately, dental tools exist to help... read more »

The Finer Details of Teenage Dentistry

As a teenager, you are often confronted with life changing decisions that will help push you into adulthood and towards the person you wish to be. The same can be derived about your oral health. As your adult teeth begin to take hold in your mouth, the oral health decisions you make can influence your smile forever. In order to... read more »

The Benefits of Electric Toothbrushes

Are you trying to decide if a manual or electric toothbrush is better? If so, don’t stress. They are both beneficial and handy and one is not better than the other. In fact, your preference is all that matters when choosing between the two. Today, Dr. Tyjuan Williams is happy to talk about the advantages of electric toothbrushes so you... read more »

The Dental Health of You and Your Baby During Pregnancy

Pregnancy creates immense changes in your body, emotions and mouth. Our office knows you want to provide your baby with the best care possible and we’re here to help you. So be aware that your oral hygiene and dietary habits are affecting the wellbeing of you and your child’s dental health. Your dental health changes may put you at risk... read more »

How to Spot Bruxism

Do you think you may have bruxism? Do you know what that means? Bruxism is a condition in which a person grinds and gnashes their teeth. While bruxism can certainly occur while a person is awake, bruxism usually classified as a sleep disorder. As the main symptom of bruxism happens when the patient is sleeping, it often goes undetected. If... read more »

How Important Are Tongue Cleaners?

Many clients feel like they have become dental masters once they have become routine tooth brushers and flossers (and they have surpassed the American expectation), but there is one more process that is essential for a clean and healthy mouth: thoroughly cleaning the tongue. The tiny bumps and fissures that cover the tongue and the crevice between your tongue and... read more »